2018-08 Around the globe people are encouraged to invest into healthy lifestyles and build proactive and preventative methodologies in wellbeing and health instead of episodic reactive intervention.
Based on trends observed in Australia, creating a quality lifestyle through active participation and use of smart sports technology promises to engage younger demographics and animate the older population to maintain an active lifestyle. However, the challenge remains to not only keep those active who are already engaged in sports, but more importantly motivate those who are not taking part in any activities.
Altogether, sport creates significant value for Australia. Approximately $4 is returned from every dollar spent in the sports sector. This rate of return is the result of the:
• direct and indirect impact of sports spending;
• increased productivity of active workers;
• net health benefits of sports participation; and
• education benefits of childhood sports participation.
The approximately $4 of value created for each dollar spent in sport is calculated by dividing the more than $50bn of benefits created from sport by the $12.5bn spent on sport in 2016. The total return is estimated to be at least $4 for each dollar spent, as this number does not include the more intangible benefits of personal wellbeing, community cohesion and international reputation.
If you are interested to understand the direct and indirect impact of sports spending including increased productivity of active workers, the net health benefits of sports participation and education benefits of childhood sports participation, please contact chemneera.